Penn State Student Health Assessment Report- Spring 2014

Are PSU students catching enough Zzzs? Eating their fruits and veggies? Getting enough exercise?

If you’re curious about the answers to those questions and more, look no further than the Spring 2014 Penn State Student Health Assessment Report. This report provides a snapshot of PSU students’ health habits, behaviors, and perceptions based on data collected as part of a national survey organized by the American College Health Association.

The report highlights results of this survey for Penn State. In March 2014, a random sample of 10,500 University Park undergraduate students was contacted by email and invited to complete the online survey. A total of 1,624 students completed surveys, with an overall response rate of 15.5%. When compared to the overall University Park student population, females, White students, and Asian students were over-represented among the survey respondents. As a result, caution should be taken when interpreting these data as they may not accurately reflect the health and health behaviors of the University Park student population as a whole.

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