With climate change and greenhouse gas emissions being an issue of major concern today, companies and the general public have been developing “eco-friendly” products or adopting “eco-friendly” practices. These are anything ranging from taking reusable bags to the grocery store to clothes made from recycled fabrics, all in an attempt to minimize their impacts on the environment. But what we may find […]
Category: Uncategorized
Cleaner Energy
In the past few years, there has been an emphasis on “cleaner energy,” but what exactly does that mean? According to the National Council of Structural Engineers Association, cleaner energy is defined as energy derived from zero-emissions, renewable resources, such as wind, sun, biomass, geothermal, and hydropower. The benefit of these energy sources is that they can be […]
Our Love for Shopping
The United States is a developed country with many people, opportunities, and wealth. We go to the store and the shelves are full of anything our heart desires: food, clothes, cosmetics, toys, etc. Over the years, our society has become incredibly consumptive to the point where it becomes too much. Although we’re happy to get that new dress or that new […]
Cars Aren’t the Only Things Producing Gas
I’m sure you all know where I’m headed with this one but really, it is such a big problem. And cows don’t just fart; they burp too. Both of these bodily processes produce methane gas, although burping is significantly worse when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions. The 95% of the methane produced was released […]
Our Reliance on Transportation
We always have places to go and here in America, many of those places require some type of transportation. I can’t walk from Hershey to State College when we move back in February, although that would be pretty great. The issue is that we don’t just use transportation to move ourselves around. We use it to get animals, food, clothing, almost everything from one side of […]