In this week’s issue of “Tackling the Topics No One Wants to Have to Think About,” we are taking a look at yet another all-too-common issue that plagues the world over: air pollution.
Air pollution is essentially a collection of unwanted gases in the atmosphere. You may hear of the word “smog” as a common term for this, which is correct. However, smog is just the most popularly known form of air pollution because it is so visible. There are also forms of this pollution that we cannot see in plain sight. What this basically means is that air pollution is an even larger problem than (literally) meets the eye.
The largest contributor to air pollution is carbon dioxide. Yes, you might be thinking that we breathe out carbon dioxide all the time, so how could that be causing such a problem in the atmosphere? The fact is, carbon dioxide is not an issue coming from the normal bodily functions of mammals, however it is considered dangerous when it is released by burning fossil fuels. That includes power plants as well as cars, planes, and any other vehicle that runs on gasoline and natural gas. And once you think about the sheer number of people that drive cars all the time and the number of airplanes flying around at a given time, you may begin to realize just how much we are impacting our planet. This article shows us exactly how much we are contributing to this problem; the average U.S. family burns around 85 tons of carbon dioxide every year.
Other greenhouse gases are culprits surrounding air pollution beyond just carbon dioxide. Gases such as sulfur dioxide (a component of smog and a cause of acid rain), methane, and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are among other contributors. Enough of some of these harmful gases can potentially cause various respiratory issues, cancer, and brain or nervous system damage, especially in children. If we do not want the harmful effects of greenhouse gases to reach this point and produce noticeable affects on our health (and I think it is pretty obvious that we do not want this), we as humans need to figure out how exactly to combat this problem.
The reason behind why air pollution is still an issue is essentially the same as why any other negative environmental impact is still an issue- convenience. Yes, they do make electric cars. But how many people you know actually drive one? I honestly do not think I could name a single person. We all drive gasoline-powered vehicles, because that is what we have always done. Because that is the normal, less expensive, more familiar option. And yes, they do sell products produced by environmentally responsible means. But using them requires a switch from what we are used to. We would have to try out a new brand, maybe spend a little more money, and get out of our comfort zone. As creatures of habit, most of us do not like or want to make this change. It requires more effort, which we do not feel obligated to give if we choose not to think about the way we are impacting our world.
So yes, air pollution is still very much a problem, but there are initiatives being taken by companies and governments to try to combat it. For example, chlorofluorocarbons, previously used in refrigeration and aerosol products, are now banned for their deteriorating effect on the ozone layer. In 2016, The Paris Agreement was ratified, in which 118 countries agreed to take measures to combat climate change. There are other ways that we can help in smaller ways as well. We can use more energy-efficient products such as light bulbs and remember to conserve energy by turning off our lights when leaving a room. We can limit the use of our automobiles by carpooling and not leaving our cars running when we are not in them. We can choose to buy cleaning products that are environmentally friendly, and seal our cleaners so that harmful compounds do not evaporate into the air. Yes, they are all small and may not seem to make much of a difference, but if there is any small way to help our environment that does not require much effort, we might as well. There are also a number of initiatives that many companies are taking to become more environmentally friendly, so there is hope, but we all should be contributing to the efforts to help our planet.
Air pollution is a scary topic. You can see it, you can smell it, you know when you are around it. It can be quite the harmful issue, but there are lots of opportunities for us to combat it before it gets too bad. With the help of people from around the world, we should be able to make a difference for the future.