“The basic philosophy of HESE is the convergence of concepts, disciplines, cultures and countries towards a freer, fairer, friendlier and more sustainable world.”
Humanitarian Engineering:
Humanitarian Engineering may be defined as research and design under constraints to directly improve the wellbeing of marginalized communities. The most distinctive aspect of this type of engineering is its targeted audience, as well as its focus on actually implementing sustainable solutions to benefit those communities. Designing solutions for complicated problems in resource-constrained contexts necessitates systems thinking and a trans-disciplinary approach to develop innovative & realistic solutions.
Social Entrepreneurship:
Social entrepreneurship is about applying practical, innovative, and sustainable approaches to benefit society in general, with an emphasis on those who are marginalized and poor (Schwab Foundation). Social Entrepreneurs strive to develop transformative social innovations and business models for sustainable enterprises that enable and accelerate positive social change. They use direct action to create a new reality – a new equilibrium – that results in enduring social benefit and a better future for everyone.