“Chennai Express” is an action-comedy Bollywood movie starred by Sharo Khan and Deepika Padukone released in 2013. The movie revolves around the main character named Rahul, who is a forty year old single man living in Mumbai. Rahul was orphaned at a young age when his parents passed away in a car accident. He lived a good life with his grandparents as they are wealthy. His grandfather was his biggest supporter and a big fan of cricket. Sadly, the grandfather passed away at the age of 99 one day before his 100th birthday while watching a cricket match. The grandfather’s dying wish was that his ashes should be released in two different places in India. So Rahul went on a journey to fulfill his grandfather’s last wish which is for his ashes to be spread in the holy water of Rameshwaram.
On his way to Rameshwaram he helped a girl get onto the train as it was running. He also helped the two guys that were running after the girl get on the train. Those two guys were apparently the kidnappers of the girl (Meenamma). Meenamma is a Tamil girl who is on the run from her father. Her father was the leader of a town, he is a praised man with strong authority. He wanted to marry off Meenamma for political benefit. However, Meenamma did not like the idea so she ran away. The move takes the viewers on a fun-filled adventure as Meenamma and Rahul end up stuck together due to the kidnappers that want to take Meenamma back to her father and Rahul wanting to help the girl. Meenamma puts Rahul in a weird situation as she tells her father she wants to marry him (a trick to get out of the political marriage) when Rahul was not in love with her. Meenammas fiance attempts to murder Rahul but Rahul ends up escaping with Meenamma. The whole village runs after them to kill Rahul and get Meenamma back.
During their escaping journey they end up making it to a town where they spend quality time together. Rahul is slowly falling in love. Then he decides to take her back to her town to try and convince her father to let them get married. He ends up in a huge fight with the strongest man in the town. Surprisingly, Rahul wins the fight due to his love for Meenamma and he wins the towns and Meenammas hand over.
I give this movie an 8/10. It had great songs, a great stroy line, great scenery and most importantly it portrayed the issue of political marriages. This movie is very empowering for women as it shows Meenamma going against her societal norms and chasing her dreams.
Good review Hiba! I fell like you did a very detailed description of the movie. I have never heard of Chennai Express before but it sounds like a really good movie with a pretty compelling plot-line so I will for sure have to check it out. I always find it intriguing to hear other peoples thoughts and opinions on movies because it seems like everyone has a different favorite genre and favorite actors. Overall good work!
This was very cool to read Hiba! This movie sounds super fun, and I would love to watch it sometime. I think you did a great job describing the plot of the movie with great detail. I also really liked your paragraph at the end where you explained why you liked that movie as it portrays a strong, independent woman that defies the wishes of her father. That is a super important representation for media all over the world to continue to depict. Great job!
This movie seems pretty interesting to read about! Though I kind of expected that Rahul would fall in love with Meenamma, I think it would be cool to see how the whole plot was played out. I think you did a great job of describing the plot of the movie! Although, I am curious as to whether or not the grandfather’s ashes were released in the different locations as he had wished. Nice job!