Reaction-Induced Phase Transitions

Reaction-induced phase transitions (RIPT) is the synthetic process of creating multiscale materials from a kinetic standpoint, as opposed to being limited to equilibrium constraints. The Hickey group investigates differences in reaction pathways and rates to reveal new multiscale materials not accessible using traditional self-assembly methods.

The Hickey Group applies RIPT in multiple ways:

Grafted Nanoparticles

Polymerizing a polymer matrix containing ligand-grafted nanoparticles to form polymer/nanoparticle composites with controlled nanoparticle dispersion.

Grafted Polymers

Polymerizing glassy polymers off of commercial block copolymers to produce stronger, tougher composite materials with applications in polymer upcycling.

Functional Polymers

Polymers functionalized with chemical groups will undergo phase separation during reactions.