Equal Access and Opportunity

Equal Access

Equal access – a term and phrase thrown around in american politics, something far to common. Equal access needs to be expanded in a plethora of topics. Things like Medicare – The American Health care system should have a variety of options – There should be a federally funded ‘free option’. Having a forced federally mandated ‘Medicare for all’ plan leads to a far to large tax hike in the middle class, damaging the groups of people we swear to protect, defend, and represent. Sure, we can sit here all day and lie – and say that we are going to tax the top 10 percent, or the top 1% of the top 10% – but in all reality that is going to only lead to a variety of issues. Corporations and massive companies will leave the United States, costing us thousands of jobs in the process. This just goes on further to harm the middle class of america – if those corporations choose to ‘stay’ in the US – they will just begin the process to leave the United States by opening plants or facilities in foreign nations, harming our infrastructure – they will begin to lower the wages of their workers in order to cover for any losses brought about through their taxation – or they will exploit the loopholes that politicians have put into place for such a long period of time. These loopholes exist due to lobbying on behalf of these massive corporations – we need not sit here and believe that they will not take those same tactics to exploit any system in the future. Law suit after law suit, evasion after evasion, lost worker after lost worker – taxing our Upper class just costs us in the long run, this is not to say that we cannot confront them on the issue. For example, implementing legislation that prevents the exploitation’s of workers – and having healthy and monitored working conditions. We need to ensure that oversea workers are given these same virtues to prevent the exploitation of children and migrants from across the globe. For the past decades – even century we have attempted being ‘humanitarian’ yet never actually do anything to strive towards that title in all of its truth. We do not even look out for our average american worker – Politicians simply just lie and lie to maintain their office. They care not for what actually affects you, the american people – but simply are more worried about making the next strategical move to get elected during the next run. They say whatever is popular for the time in order to garner the support of the people and then go on to do nothing and sit for 4 – 6 years respectfully. Inaction does more than action – Not in a positive way – innaction costs us innocent lives in war, costs us innocent lives in terrorists atacks, costs us innocent lives in epidemics and pandemics. We cannot tolerate inactions – we cannot tolerate representatives and senators that just sit in their office and do nothing. No matter the party, democrats or republicans, Green Party too. If they sit and do nothing with their political office then they should be removed. Hence the need for a checks and balances system. Politicans from all branches of governance, Municipal, State, and Federal must have a checks and balances system implemented. The presidential pension needs to be removed – this was introduced because a former president was bankrupt upon leaving office – the pention gifted by the presidential office is what then pulled him out of it – Payment for innaction. Or to cover your own personal debts should not be tolerated or exist – politicans serve the american people – not their own interests. To serve the american peoples interests in reference to health – we must address the fact that over half of the american population goes without adequate medication or procedures done due to the fact that they could not afford it. Why is it that we allow our own lives to be put at stake – simply because we may or may not be able to afford it. The life of every American needs to be valued, no matter their political views, wether they serve or not, black, brown, or upside down. Gay, straight, bi, or trans – Americans should not be turned away or denied medical care because they can not afford a ridiculous price set on health. If we establish a free market in medicine it will lead to competition being created with big pharmaceutical companies – eventually leading to the gradual decrease in cost of medication – The lower the price of the medication, balanced out with its effectivity and effects that must be monitored, regulated, and taxed – will be the successful company. Companies that choose to maintain high prices will be driven out of buisniness and will have no choice but to make their medications more cost effective for the american people. The American government should be able to give the choice to the american people wether or not they would like Free Medicare and treatment from some of the greatest doctors and hospitals in the world – or even if they want a privatized option. Both should coexist – So that the American people can have what we strive for – the freedom of choice. Deciding what we want to do for our own health – because not all private plans fit a single person, different people need different needs, Free american federally run Medicare wouldn’t fit every single person – some people need specific treatments which can be covered and handled by a free market privatized sector of Medicare. This will create a competitive market, driving the costs down for the american people – give the american people the freedom to decide what best fits them – without introducing a mass tax increase on just a specific class of people that would come to the detriment of American workers and middle class families. The workers make the corporations run – but with no corporations, companies, manufacturers – there will be no workers to have them run in the US.


Medicare is a big part of a equitable approach to Medicare in the United States; however, Medicare is not the only overpriced and detrimental thing to working class Americans – but American ‘Public Education’. From Teachers needing to pay for their own supplies with no assistance what so ever in their purchases – their lower wages – to Public Universities charging over 60,000 a year for a education that everyone should be given a equal access too. American education should be granted to those who seek it – not making it free, as that would lead to a decrease of the prestige that comes with a Universities education. But to implement certain requirements in order to grant a free education. I.e. a 3.5 GPA or 3.3 GPA to grant free education / certain GPA’s and class ranges grant certain things for education. Wether it be free college – Free room and board – Assistance with textbooks etc. This kind of method was tested in New Mexico, and led to the increase of POC being able to enter university and complete their degrees. Hence decreasing the margin of payment inequities of POC and white people by around 10% in the first 4 years alone. With a 10% growth we can close the gap between payments and access to education by a massive margin. This creates a more competitive playing field in the workforce – breeds innovation – will lead to a more educated populous – and increased creativity in the United States. This helps our nation’s infrastructure – something that is desperately needed. With a more intellectual populous America’s industries will thrive – more companies will come about; more entrepreneurs will be able to create jobs for Hundreds of Thousands of Americans. We will pave the way for a more educated America – a better funded America – a more efficient America. That is one of the values I hold closest. It isn’t necessarily always about what one can do for oneself – for the people around you. But for the people you will never get to meet. We need to be willing as a populous to implement lasting change – to create a future built for Americans for the start. We need to be willing to plant the seed for a tree who’s shade we will never sit in. That is how we will grow in a society – knowing that we will implement things that will benefit those in the future, we cannot focus on our past development and expect to go to the future. It’s like driving a car in reverse and parking ever 4 years and expecting to move forward. We as a nation cannot believe that we are serving our people when the people in office sickly just work for themselves. The American people are over parties quarreling over simple issues like healthcare and education – they simply should have no major contrast. It is ridiculous as a nation – and I hate this slogan because it shouldn’t be able to fit this nation anymore – we should have worked past this point – but we need representatives, senators, and presidents that work for the people – not their own special interests.


Equal oppurtunity

We have progressed so far as a nation that we have become blind to key issues that the american people face. We refuse to face it because it hurts, because it offends us, because we’re blatantly ignorant to the fact that we are a Racist, Sexist, Xenophobic nation. But we have evolved such a ignorant Savior complex as a nation and it ‘justifies’ everything that we have done. From the enslavement of black Americans. From the abusing and exploitation of Mexican Americans in the United States. From the unequal opportunity and wage gaps given to women and how they are treated even when in positions of power, Sexist commentary – or unequal treatment. The Massacarring of Native Americans and removal of their tribal and spiritual lands. From the incarceration of Asian Americans in the United States. We block out much of american history because we wish to keep the people happy with the nation. To keep the american people – feeling ‘ok’ about the fact that we have done all these things. This kind of attitude has come to be a detriment to american society in general – why can we call ourselves the land of the free whilst ignoring the oppressive tactics we take in order to indoctrinate our citizens into what or how they think. Through history it ignores many of the atrocities that we have committed and there is not a single justification to it. Through the election of racist and sexist individuals who care for nothing other than just power and money. We the United States of america need to do better in offering equal access and oppurtunity to everyone who inhabits it. We live in a ‘socially acceptable’ society were women, whom may have even the same qualifications, training, and knowledge as a male – yet get paid less, and for some reason we think this Is socially acceptable. Why do we allow these things to carry out and happen. For every dollar that a white male makes the wage decreases by amounts of 10 – 20 cents, which individually may not seem like uhh – but nation wide it surmounts to a million in total. This is not something that the ‘greatest’ nation in the world can surmount and accept. It is disgusting that we even allow it to happen. Job occupations in Stem and  political office – are heavily sexist in regards to the fact that electibality and office is approached differently for different sex and counter parts. For some reason we seem that it ok, or ‘decent’ to judge ‘electability’ off the basis of sex. This isnt something that we should even be able to stomach as a society – we cannot call ourselves a great nation that works for the pointe if we cannot even simply meet the needs of the people. If we cannot meet the needs of our own people, our citizens, and inhabitants – we aren’t the land of oppurtunity. We are The land of selected power whom benefits only the top percentages of our society. It is unfathomable to simply think about – and we should no be able to tolerate it in any remote sense. How can we come to justify these things? We cannot – any of those who think we can are part of the selected and joint issue. We cannot go on not a day longer to think that these things are ok. It is not – will not – Ever be ok. Not Today, Not Yesterday, Not ever – will this nation, accept that. Equal opopuyrtunity should be given on this nation – and every nation on the face of this earth, and we need to work to achieve those things.

3 thoughts on “Equal Access and Opportunity”

  1. I definitely agree that equal opportunity is far from a reality in America. I also found it interesting how you pointed out that politicians really only focus on the short term because that’s what will get them reelected. It seems like other countries are moving in the right direction, but the U.S. is hesitant to make change because it thinks it is so “great.” Change takes a lot of intentional work, and it needs to happen.

  2. I really like this blog because equal access and equal opportunity is something that is thrown around not just by politicians, but also by employers, schools, and even internships/fellowships. I also like the fact that you point out we live in a racist, sexist, colorist, and xenophobic nation. Although many Americans turn a blind eye to this reality and the history this nation has built itself on these premises, it’s imperative to acknowledge this and call this out when we see it.

  3. I agree that equal opportunity is a key component we need in order for us to prosper and thrive as a country. I like how you highlighted the issues and struggles we face in our country and how America somewhat dismisses them. I am glad you are providing solutions to these issues and enhancing the idea that these issues need change and acknowledgment.

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