Old Pictures!

The commonwealth of Pennsylvania just went on lockdown so that means there is absolutely nothing to do. I work overnight, sleep during the day, and try to get outside while the sun is still up. The amount of how much I miss Penn State has really started to hit me the past few days. I even miss my roommate and her boyfriend who slept over way too much during the semester, my 8AM stats class, and the freezing cold walks to the Thomas Building first thing in the morning. So, to numb the void, I decided to look at old pictures!!

My mom really enjoyed taking pictures of my sister and I growing up so there’s a box full of them sitting around the house. As my sleep schedule is completely out of sync, I spent one night looking through them, and found a couple of gems.

Beach Pic- Image by Author

This first one is me at the beach, I think circa 2003. This one was particularly nice to see as it reminds me of summer. Summer is one of my favorite times of the year. Winter is something I can definitely go without, and I’ve been waiting for the warm weather to come so I can start sitting outside to do things like my school work or just to relax. I was starting to make plans for this summer with my friends before the Coronavirus really emerged as a global threat.

I’m hoping to be able to go back to the beach in the coming months, but as the Coronavirus crisis continues, that dream seems to trend further and further from reality. People are starting to predict beyond the summer, saying things like we could potentially not even have a football season this coming fall, let alone a good summer. How depressing is that?

Fishing- Image by Author

This second picture is of me fishing as a small child. Like the previous photo, this one reminds me of better, warmer times. I believe this picture was taken during a youth fishing derby. I also believe very few fish were caught. Fortunately, it’s an activity that can be done while social distancing so my fun isn’t entirely ruined. I look forward to spending more time on the water as the weather gets nicer.

If you’re bored during your quarantine, I highly recommend looking through old pictures. It’s kind of fun and nostalgic at the same time. It’s almost strange seeing yourself as a kid again, but it brings up good memories.

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