Blog Post 5

“How To Write Write With Flair” has taught me a lot and has led to my knowledge expanding on effective techniques for writing effectively. The key points/chapters that this book has focused on thus far, consists of:

  1. Choose a Verb with Flair
  2. Toggle between the Big 5 Punctuation marks
  3. Vary the length of your sentences and change the way they start to create rhythm
  4. Garnishing your paragraph with clever wordplay (if possible)
  5. Engaging your audience.

Keyboard Smash Writers! — What are weak verbs? Weak verbs are action words...
I think the chapter that has influenced my writing the most would be Choosing a
Verb with Flair. I think this influenced me the most because instead of me writing
sentences like “Chapter 1 will be  helpful in your writing” I can now say “Chapter one will provide clear methods to improve your writing”. This example shows how eliminating feeble verbs can lead to a sentence that keeps the reader more engaged.

Another chapter that influenced my writing  heavily is utilizing the Big 5. I continue to utilize the Big 5 (parentheses, dashes, semicolon, colon, and commas) rather frequently to boost my writing abilities and to enhance my writings appearance. Using the Big 5 helps create engagement within your audience.

Although these are the two chapters that stood out the most to me, Garnishing your paragraph with clever wordplay is also something that I have begin to find very interesting. Garnishing your piece of writing with clever wordplay leads to a more engaging experience for the reader.

Writing is an important form of communication. Writing is an art. Writing is a skill. Writing is informational, entertaining, and inspiring. Writing is what you make it to be. Overall, there are many lessons that, “How To Write With Flair” has taught me. Through this book I have been able to explore further dimensions in the writing field. This has allowed me to elevate my writing skills to a higher level of performance.


3 Ways to add Wordplay to your Writing“will%20be”%20are,your%20reader%20to%20lose%20interest.


5 Ways to Write with Flair

3 thoughts on “Blog Post 5”

  1. The chapter on garnishing wordplay definitely stood out to me as well, since you could have very informative/ important content that just isn’t interesting/ captivating to read. From my own use of wordplay, and etc. now, you can definitely see the change in how approachable and interesting a writing is with its inclusion. Though, what’s the right amount of “garnishing” that should be done in writing to prevent it from being cheesy and clique vs boring?

  2. I really enjoyed how you started your blog post 5 with the focuses of each chapter from How to Write with Flair. If I had never read the book, I would still be able to understand what each chapter was about because you clearly identified it. I also agree that Lesson one has influenced me the most. I feel that my verb strength has immensely grown and I am able to sound more educated in my writing. Great job on this blog post!

  3. Garnishing and word-play seem to me like the true “flair” of writing. Changing your sentence length and punctuation can only take you so far, if your actual diction is still dull than its all for nought. How to Write with Flair has provided me with an abundance of lists, tips, and tools to supplement my ever-growing vocabulary. All these chapters of course good hand in hand with each other, but if you had to pick 1 element, most critical to the writing process, which chapter would you focus on?

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