DISCLAIMER * I believe the video that will pop up automatically is the FLAT EARTH Clues Preface video, for the purpose of this analysis I will be referencing FLAT EARTH Clues Part 1 – Empty Theatre if you would like to follow along make sure you are viewing the latter rather than the first video. […]
Proposal to Issue
Climate Change has been a growing national issue to debate over the past decades, let alone a global issue. With pollution rates and greenhouse gases affecting our environment and natural life, it’s only a matter of time for how long we can sustain life in the workings of our current society. Big corporations and government […]
Repeat: Green Paws
Helllloooo everyone! I hope everyone has been having a decent week since we last talked. I wanted to give a small update about myself for this week and that is, I bought a coffee cup! All of last semester and every week of this semester so far I have bought coffee pretty much everyday from […]
Top of the Green Thumb
Last time, we discussed the basics of sustainability and what it means to be sustainable. While I’m located on Penn State’s College campus in the center of Pennsylvania, I discussed some of the small details I’ve noticed that help make Penn State’s campus more “green.” Now with a quick google search (honestly some days I […]
Campus Greens
What does it mean to support sustainability? How do people maintain and upkeep this idea? Is it obtainable to maintain even? From day 1 of my first semester on Penn State’s Campus, the amount of recycling, green energy and environmental efforts made by this campus is incredibly noticeable. There are trash cans everywhere (obviously to […]