Mechanics of Locomotion (KINES 488)

KINES 488 Mechanics of Locomotion (3)

Walking has been described as the most commonly performed human activity. Diseases or injuries that reduce the ability to walk independently and efficiently are especially likely to adversely affect quality of life. Kinesiology 488 introduces students to the elements of normal walking and how walking motions are affected by changes in age, walking speed, and pathological conditions. Advanced topics covered in this course include other forms of locomotion, including running and cycling, and the use of mathematical models to understand phenomena related to locomotion.

Students enrolled in this course learn the particulars of human locomotion, but in so doing they also gain an understanding of kinematics and kinetic analysis, joint mechanics, and the clinical treatment of movement disorders. Basic principles of mechanics are applied to establish how walking motions result from forces produced by muscles, gravity, and contact with the ground. Students planning to pursue graduate study in movement biomechanics or in clinical areas such as physical therapy are especially likely to benefit from the focus on these areas.