Food Blog #3 – Vibe Coffee

Welcome back to my third food blog post!! I find it crazy how we are basically halfway through semester already! It’s actually so weird how time just flies by and the fact that there’s only two months left. Also spring break next week?? Is time even real??

This week, I really wanted to try a new coffee shop and found this cute place nearby. It’s called Vibe Coffee and it is a bit of a walk from campus but not too far where you feel like your legs are about to fall off. I went with my friend Obaid and it was also his first time trying it, which made it more fun (and also more confusing because neither of us knew what to order). The café was pretty small and although there wasn’t that many seating options, there were still a few seats open and available for people to sit at.

As for the menu, let’s just say it is very extensive :) There were sooooo many options and weird flavours that I’ve never thought of having in a latte. Those flavours included grilled stickies, nutella, twix, and smores to name a few. I was so intrigued but at the same time so overwhelmed that I ended up just getting a plain iced matcha and Obaid got an iced americano. In my opinion, an iced americano is such a grown up drink. If the day ever comes where I order an iced americano, just know I have reached peak adult life. Also, who ever would’ve thought that I would be an avid matcha drinker? I genuinely never thought this day would come. It almost feels like a full circle moment.

our drinks look so cute

I reallly liked my matcha! It was actually very refreshing and not powdery at all. My only issue was that it was sweetened and I usually like my matcha unsweetened. I will say that it did say that it was sweetened and I just didn’t see that so it is my fault. I did enjoy it though although I think it left me a bit bloated? I’m not even sure if it was the matcha or something else but it was painful – is this tmi? On the other hand, Obaid is a matcha hater and so he obviously hated my matcha which is very annoying because he is literally just a hater. I will mention that he did love his iced americano and said it was one of the best that he had so far in America.

In conclusion, I will for sure be back at Vibe Coffee very very soon and will have to try out those weird (but delicious) flavours that they offer! I also do want to try their plain lattes because I’m always looking for the best place to grab an iced latte after classes (I mainly blame CHEM 212 because I think I will actually collapse from it and so I can’t wait to try their coffee! Overall, I’d rate Vibe Coffee 9/10 and definitely recommend for you to try it if you haven’t. See you next blog!

i love how he’s looking at the camera




  1. Molly

    Awesome post! I like the voice you use in your writing, as it makes it feel less like a post and more like a message from a close friend. It feels very candid and authentic, and I think that makes for a great review! I also like how you brought your friend Obaid along, as it provides another opinion of Vibe Coffee and allows you to test out two different menu items. I had no idea that this place even existed, so I’m glad you decided to feature it! I look forward to reading your future posts and seeing what restaurant you visit next!

  2. Ryan Nagengast

    Despite never being much of a coffee person, I enjoyed reading your post. All the times that I have tried coffee in the past, I was not a fan of the taste and I would only ever drink it for the caffeine. But after reading about the unique flavors offered here, I might just have to give it a try, That smores flavor sounds particularly enticing.

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