“To what extent has the climate ‘debate’ been resolved in the public eye”?
Many people may have opposing answers to this question, but in my opinion, the climate debate has barely been resolved in the public eye and continues to be heavily controversial. I believe that climate change is gaining more awareness and that is definitely a positive for the side that believes it is a serious issue, and I also believe that more people are working towards changing their habits in order to help maintain the health of the environment, but despite these things, I believe that the climate debate is still heavily controversial among many people.
To this day, people still continue to debate whether or not climate change is real, even the President of the United States. When questioned about climate change during a CNN news report, Trump expressed that ““I don’t believe it,” “No, no, I don’t believe it”. He has also sent out tweets in which he explained that “global warming is a hoax”. I believe that this is a huge reason that climate debate is still occurring so heavily among the public – if our own president does not believe in climate change, why should we? Donald Trump’s opinions and beliefs on climate change seem to have a significant impact on the debate of climate change.
Despite Donald Trump’s very vocal opinions on climate change, many people in the world (especially scientists) work to convince people that climate change is indeed real, and is a large issue. They do so by using Earth-orbiting satellites and other pieces of technology that can record data regarding climate change. National Geographic explains that thirty years ago, climate change became news to the public and began to spark a debate that has lasted until the present, and will likely last throughout the future as well, meaning resources will most likely continue to go towards proving which side of the debate is right and which side is wrong.
The people on the opposing side of President Donald Trump regarding climate change (so the people who believe climate change is a real issue) have released scientific reports and warnings about the effects of climate change on health, economy, and the environment. This report, as well as signs such as temperature rise, warming oceans, melting glaciers, etc. have continued to support this side’s beliefs on climate change and have even convinced non-believers to begin to think that climate change could potentially be an issue.
Climate debate seems to have a long way to go regarding a resolution among the public eye, however we are further in the debate than we were thirty years ago, signaling that a potential compromise or agreement may be in the near future. From the way the debate seems to be progressing at this point of time, it can most likely be inferred that the resolution to this debate will be a compromise between the two opposing sides rather than focusing on which side is correct and which side is incorrect.