Water Across the Country & the World

Is water an equal concern for people in different parts of the U.S.? The world? Should it be?

“Water scarcity is a global concern, and that means there’s even a problem in our own backyard. While it may be difficult to put yourself in the shoes of an African child struggling to find fresh water, it’s important to understand that water scarcity affects everyone, even here in the United States” (Water Scarcity in the US).

Typically, when people think of inadequate water conditions and inadequate water access, they think of third world countries; huts, villages, etc. It is a common misconception that these places are the only places facing a water crisis, however, water is a concern for many people in many places that can be considered wealthy and developed – even places in first world countries. For example, Flint, Michigan, Dallas, Texas, Modesto California, etc. all suffer from contaminated water.

The majority of people who are not directly affected by inadequate water conditions tend to not be as concerned as someone who may be struggling to find clean drinking water. Someone living in Flint, Michigan may spend their entire day wondering how they will gain access to clean water to drink while the thought of that may not even cross the mind of someone living in Denver, Colorado. People often fail to put themselves in someone else’s shoes; if you did not have access to clean water, would you not want someone else who did have access to still be concerned, despite the fact that they are not facing that issue?

Water should not only be an equal concern for people across the world due to the fact that people are suffering because of a lack of (clean) water, but they should also be concerned because they may think the water that they have access to is safe, when it is actually harmful and unsafe to ingest. “In any given year from 1982 to 2015, somewhere between 9 million and 45 million Americans got their drinking water from a source that was in violation of the Safe Drinking Water Act”(Millions of Americans Drink Potentially Unsafe Tap Water).

In addition to the fact that people may be unknowingly ingesting unsafe water, it is evident that America’s access to clean water, and even water in general, is decreasing. Rivers and lakes are drying up, bodies of water are becoming polluted, the population is rising which is causing a higher demand for water, industrial usage of water is increasing, etc.

It is time for the entire world to realize that we have a water crisis on our hands. If we fail to make a change, third world countries will never get the chance to thrive, first world countries will regress, and the planet will change significantly. For this reason, water should be an equal concern for every single person in the world.




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