How it all Got Started

The Judgement of Paris.

The Judgement of Paris.

Before determining whether or not the most famous war of Greek history actually happened, the details leading up to and including the Trojan War must be presented. A ten-year war fought roughly between 1210-1180 B.C (Strauss, pg. 10).

It all started with a story called The Judgement of Paris in which a dispute among three goddesses. After Zeus refused to be the mediator and present a decision, Paris, the prince of Troy, was confronted on Mount Ida. He was asked to settle an argument between Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite by deciding of three, who was most beautiful. Each goddess decided to offer a small favor to the prince in return for his vote. Athena offered to make Paris a successful and victorious war hero. Hera would make Paris a rich and powerful king. Aphrodite, however, promised the most beautiful woman in the world. This ultimately won Paris over and he chose Aphrodite to be the most beautiful of the three goddesses.

The woman promised to Paris was Helen, who was the wife of Menelaus otherwise known as the King of Sparta. Due to the fact that Helen was already married, Paris decides to abduct her and takes her back to Troy. Infuriating Menelaus, he demands her back. Agamemnon, the brother of Menelaus, rallies troops on his brothers’ behalf and heads to Troy, ultimately starting the most important war, consisting of over 100,000 men.(Strauss, pg. 3 )