Day 3 Brya and Kyra

On our third day in Gothenburg, we had a very busy day at Volvo! We collectively enjoyed breakfast as a group and then began our adventure to the Volvo Group Headquarters. It was surprising to see how such a large company like Volvo was so easy to gain access to by using public transportation. Although at times it can be hard navigating the many busses and trams you can take to get there, it is comforting to know there are endless resources such as maps, phone apps and the locals to help you find your way. Once we arrived at Volvo we saw just how large of a company it truly was as we had to navigate ourselves to the correct building for our lectures. Once we arrived we were greeted by 2 members of the human resources team and were able to enjoy a nice cup of coffee to warm up from the chilly walk and enjoy the videos played in the lobby as well as a photo booth.

We were then given a little information on Volvos history and the women who would be presenting to us today. There were 2 members of HR who focus on talent and leadership as well as recruitment. They discussed what Volvos mission statement is and the goals that the company holds as well as the goals their departments hold. Our next lecture was on the continued education that Volvo offers its employees. It was great to hear how accessible they make classes to employees so that way they are constantly bettering themselves and able to continuously grow in the company. This was interesting because while in the US some larger companies have benefit options that include partial to full tuition reimbursement – those are for bachelor, masters and/or Ph.D. programs generally in your specific field. In Sweden, the classes focus on a particular area of your choice that could lead you to a possible career change as you may want to apply to an open position in a different area in the company because you found an interest in an area where a course or two were offered. Our last lecture was focused on Volvos culture and values, it was refreshing to hear how this company wants management to work closely with employees and discuss goals and motivations and learn how to blend everyone’s individuality in a way that is efficient because everyone is bringing different skills and values to the project at hand. After the lectures, Volvo was generous in providing lunch for us at one of their on-site buildings where employees often go to enjoy a meal during their workday as well.

After our lunch we went to the Volvo museum where we learned more about the company – focusing more on the car aspect (unlike Volvo Group who focus on public transportation, sea transportation, construction vehicles and trucks) and were provided with a very knowledgeable tour guide who was more than prepared to answer any questions we had.

We then headed back to our hotel where everyone enjoyed some downtime and later decided to regroup and get dinner together and explore the town a little more for our last night in Gothenburg.

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One Response to Day 3 Brya and Kyra

  1. Dennis G. Shea says:

    Great contrast between employee education. I think many U.S. employers do have similar sorts of training programs, but it’s not well organized, in my opinion.

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