This week’s blog post is going to be about the Left, specifically the more radical (self-titled “progressive”) side. For many on the Left end of the political spectrum, the platform and goals of the progressive Left are become exponentially more desirable. Just look at the popularity of progressive political figures recently: House Member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (praised by progressives for her outspoken and “radical” stances) Senator Bernie Sanders (AOC advocated for him in 2016), and a slew of congressional freshmen have all been recently elected into public office.
So what is “progressiveness?” Much like the political climate of today, it is becoming more extreme as time goes on. Back in the late 1860s and 1870s, “progressives” were Republicans. Labeled as “radical Republicans,” this bloc of politicians were responsible for the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, as well as the overall notion of abolishing slavery and establishing equal rights. By the late 1800s and early 1900s, progressives were the ones advocating for Women’s voting rights. In the mid-1900s it was Civil Rights as a whole, and remains as such today. Race, sex, and economic status to progressives go hand-in-hand, and equality for all is the goal.
Today, the progressive Left’s has 4 basic focuses, and a major fault. The first (though there is no true order of importance) is equality for women: equal pay, reducing the “wage gap,” and the right to health services (usually reproductive specifically- contraception, screenings, and abortion). Another big focus is equality for racial minorities: solving police brutality, correcting the disproportionate poverty of the black population, and countering the supposed “white male privilege.” Economically, many on the Left are discontent with income inequality across the board: Higher tax rates for the rich, government funding for health insurance and financial aid to the bottom earners of the country, etc. A final basic focus of progressives. The final focus is a bit of an “other” category consisting of various major issues: Legalization of certain drugs like marijuana for recreational use, gun control, tolerance, rights and equality for the LGBTQ+ community, and environmental regulation. Congressional freshmen and their relative platform is detailed here.
The major problem of the progressive Left is that if they aren’t careful, they can come off as the “anti-Trump” party/ideology. Not that disagreeing with a President is wrong (in fact, respectfully disagreeing is encouraged so that this nation is not just one mindless voice), but the frequent and angry opposition to everything the President does can make the Left seem like it has no substance itself, and just likes making fun of Trump/conservatives. “Orange Man Bad” is a meta joke poking fun at the simple “formula” comedians use to get easy laughs/applause, frequently using Trump as a punchline, making “Trump jokes” stale and less funny. The worry about the progressive Left bashing Trump all the time is that the actual issues and platform are at risk of being sidelined. Progressives have policies very important to them that needs wide support, so emphasizing that should be the highest priority. There are already at least five Democrat candidates running for presidency in 2020, so voting base that could possibly be spread thin is now also at risk of appearing to “have no answers,” failing to give voters an incentive to not just reelect President Trump.
So what legislation and policies are in the works for progressives? After Democrats reestablished a majority in the 2018 election, they have a newfound power to draft bills that can be presented to the Senate and possibly signed by the president. The first big legislative desire from progressives is a tax on the wealthy. Senator Warren wants to establish a 2-3% “wealth tax” on individuals who earn more than $50 million, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants a raised income tax on the wealthy: 37% of the first $10 million of one’s pay, and for every dollar over $10 million, the rate to be raised to 70%.
Another major goal for progressives comes yet again from Ocasio-Cortez. The “Green New Deal.” While the plan itself is actually not even finalized and its contents not even common knowledge, the gist of it is simple. Climate change is on the radar of many right now, and solutions/ways to produce clean energy are highly sought after. Progressives hope to hit two birds with one stone by drafting a bill that will not only create new jobs/reduce economic inequality, but also making efforts to produce green, renewable energy. The Green New Deal’s contents will be made public soon enough, but at the moment there is not a clear plan besides a good name and the intentions behind its conception.
Progressive America is either in an infancy, or fifteen minutes of fame. Many of these liberal ideas appeal to voters (especially young), but America is a constantly shifting ideological nation. Only the future can tell how successful progressiveness in America will be.