
Our intent is to create a journal that will perform public philosophy as its mode of publication.

By leveraging the open and collaborative capacities endemic to digital communications, the Public Philosophy Journal will cultivate a community of scholars engaged in curating, reviewing, editing, co-writing and modeling rigorous work related to public philosophy broadly construed.

The Public Philosophy Journal is an open peer review journal that attempts to perform public philosophy as its mode of publication. These are the five steps involved in that process:

  1. Curateand Amplify: Current digital public philosophy discussions and pertinent web content will be curated through the use of existing web-crawling technology (like PressForward) that will bring them to the attention of members of a world-wide community of scholars, graduate students, and policy makers, whose evaluations will serve to filter out the less promising contributions to the discourse and to determine which contributions will be amplified even further.
  2. Review: The journal will include mechanisms for open peer review of curated and submitted content, including a system for reviewing and credentialing reviewers and incentives for careful reading and for consistent and thoughtful commenting.
  3. Enrich and Develop: Digital public philosophy will be greatly enriched by creating a space of collaborative developmental writing that will start with the most promising content identified in the review process and lead to the publication of rigorous scholarly articles.
  4. Publish: Reviewed articles will be openly published together with invited responses to the reviewed work.
  5. Cultivate: Ongoing open dialogue about the published articles will be cultivated by invited and curated responses that have the potential to feed the development of new collaborative scholarship.


The Public Philosophy Journal is a collaborative project with team members from the Penn State Department of Philosophy and the Matrix Center for Digital Humanities at Michigan State.


More information about the Public Philosophy Journal.

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