We’re headed into almost a month since social distancing has begun, and while its so hard not seeing friends and loved ones and having a general sense of normalcy, there are still ways to keep our hearts connected! The newest trend has been this beautiful Google Chrome extension, Netflix Party.
Netflix Party is a quick download that allows you to watch Netflix simultaneously with your friends and communicate through a chat bar on the side during the show. My friends and I absolutely love it and we have Netflix Parties at 8pm. Every. Single. Night. Our show of choice? Love Is Blind, a reality Netflix show where, “Singles try to find a match and fall in love — without ever seeing each other face-to-face, as emotional connection attempts to conquer physical attraction.”
As my blog is about habits of the heart, I figured it would be fitting to talk about my thoughts on this “experiment”, without of course, spoiling it, because I highly recommend watching it!
First, I think it is a really cool idea to explore that true love does not have to be related to physical appearance. However, I don’t think that is the case. I believe that emotional connection and physical connection are real and separate things, yet completely interdependent. Emotional connection can be enhanced by physical connection, and physical connection can be enhanced by emotional connection. On the other hand, emotional connection can be shattered by lack of a physical connection, and physical connection can die out due to lack of an emotional one.
After only establishing the emotional connection, some of the couples also find the physical connection, some don’t. Of course, it is sad when both are not established in these couples who are set to walk down the aisle just four weeks after getting engaged. I’ve already spoiled too much….but, all-in-all I believe that love is not blind. The habits of our hearts are both emotional and physical, and true love is a balance of both.
I’m going to do a quick change in gears here:
For those wanting updates on Lambda Rho and our new garden…..everything is going swimmingly! All of the raised bed boxes our built, half of the ground around them is covered in mulch (to be finished soon), and there is a huge dirt pile in front of our house waiting for its permanent home in the boxes. Our seedlings are being germinated in our house and we are in the process of ordering paint to decorate the garden fence posts with beautiful sunflowers. Our garden has become the talk of the neighborhood as well, everyone has taken walks to the trail behind our house to catch a glimpse of its beauty!
The Lambda Rho members are healthy and well. We are all quite busy with remotely working/schooling but we still have time to come together and help with the garden or to have dance parties together. Much love. 🙂
Stay safe, stay social distancing, and stay healthy!