Hothead: Harnessing the Energy within Iceland

As people become more concerned about the effects of harmful energy sources like coal on our delicate environment, a greater demand for alternative energy solutions has arisen. Several revolutionary ideas have been proposed over the years, but one of the most successful in real life application has been tapping into our Earth’s very own geothermal energy.

We see the best example of geothermal energy use as an alternative energy in Iceland. What makes Iceland such a strong contender is the geographical layout of the island itself. Iceland lies between two techtonic plates which allows it to harnass a lot of the magma beneath its porous basalt exterior. It is also the home of giant resevoirs of water that are constantly being heated by the magma beneath. These natural phenomena are ideal for harnessing the potential energy of the earth.

For many years this had been a solid source of energy for Iceland. Many geothermic fields had developed helping to ween Iceland’s dependence on fossil fuels almost completely. For several years it had prospered in public hands, at mercy of the public. However, as with any lucrative industry, private companies had entered the market in order to tap into the enormaous wealth that the geothermal industry had in store. Now there is much controversy over ownership of the right to sell that natural energy. As with any new technology, once the semantics are worked out, geothermal energy will be a highly successful and environmentally sound energy source.



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