Plant Data

Tastes/Needs of the People of Ghana

Initially, we took a survey of a group of 21 people in Ghana to better understand growing which vegetables would have the most impact on individuals. We posed the following questions aimed at identifying essential vegetables and costs.


  1. What vegetables do you purchase regularly?
  2. How many times do you go grocery shopping a month?
  3. How much do you typically spend on a trip?
  4. What is your favorite vegetable?
  5. What is the most expensive vegetable available to buy?
  6. What is the most expensive vegetable you buy?
  7. If you could, what vegetables would you purchase?


We had 21 responses to our survey. This data has been compiled and compared in the following charts. In the compiled chart showing comparing all of the vegetable purchasing data for Ghana, onions, peppers, tomatoes, carrots, and lettuce present as important vegetables.


Ghana Plant Purchasing Data

Summary of collected Ghana plant purchasing data.

What vegetables do you purchase regularly?

Surveyed individuals were asked: What vegetables do you purchase regularly?

What is the most expensive vegetable available to purchase?

Surveyed individuals were asked: What is the most expensive vegetable available to purchase?

What is the most expensive vegetable available to purchase?

Surveyed individuals were asked: What is the most expensive vegetable you buy?

If you could, what vegetables would you purchase?

Surveyed individuals were asked: If you could, what vegetables would you purchase?



Comparison of Plants

This Venn diagram compares plants that people eat in Ghana, plants that are easy to grow hydroponically, and plants that are expensive to produce in Ghana.


We should focus our hydroponic studies on the following plants:

Black Beans




Garbanzo Beans









Determining Target Plants for the Global System

Well-Rounded Diet

It is worth looking at what vegetables contribute to a well-rounded diet. By focusing on the following vegetables to be designed around for a componentized hydroponic system, the user will have the opportunity to grow vegetables to supplement their diet to get all of the nutrients their body needs. A complete vegetarian diet is composed of fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and fats. Good sources of these are as follows:

Fruits Vegetables Grains Protein Fats
Apples Asparagus Quinoa Black Beans Avocados
Bananas Broccoli Barley Garbanzo Beans Coconut Oil
Berries Carrots Buckwheat Lentils Olive Oil
Melons Leafy Greens Rice Mushrooms
Oranges Tomatoes Oats Nuts
Pears Potato
Peaches Quinoa

Works Cited

The Vegetarian Diet: A Beginner’s Guide and Meal Plan (2020). Healthline. Retrieved April 28, 2020, from

Top 10 Vegan Protein Sources (2020). Peta. Retrieved April 28, 2020, from

Vegetables Grown Easily Using Hydroponics

Since we have decided to focus on hydroponic systems, it is best suited to the at home grower that we identify the types of plants that are easiest to grow hydroponically. Categorized in the same categories of a complete diet we have:

Fruits Vegetables Protein Herbs
Blueberries Beet Beans Basil
Strawberries Broccoli Potato Chives
Bok Choy Coriander
Carrot Garlic
Celery Lemon Balm
Cucumber Mint
Kale Oregano
Lettuce Peppermint
Peppers Rosemary
Radish Sage
Spinach Stevia
Spring Onion Terragon

Works Cited

Top 10 Hydroponic Fruits & Vegetables and their Health Benefits (2020). easy-grow. Retrieved April 28, 2020 from

13 Best Easiest Plants (Vegetables, Herbs, and Fruits) That Can Be Hydroponically Grown (19 December 2019). greenandvibrant. Retrieved April 28, 2020 from

25 of the Best Plants for Indoor Hydroponic Gardens (8 March 2020). dengarden. Retrieved April 28, 2020 from

Conclusion (List of Optimal Plants for Growing Hydroponically)

After comparing the list of plants that are part of a complete diet with plants that are easy to grow hydroponically, several plants emerge as good targets for the focus of an inexpensive home hydroponic system.

Fruits Vegetables Protein
Blueberries Broccoli Black Beans
Strawberries Carrot Broccoli
Kale Garbanzo Beans
Lettuce Potato


These types of plants can be compared to the data from Ghana which identified several plants that would be good targets for a Ghana specific home hydroponic system.