September 7

PBL Blog 1

Buckle up, and get your popcorn, because you are about to learn the story of my favorite monument to humanity, Larry Walters. The date is July 2nd 1982 in the backyard of Larry Walters girlfriend’s house in San Pedro, California and Larry Walters is about to do something that feels very illegal. It is not illegal which the FAA will later contest by saying “We know he broke some part of the Federal Aviation Act, and as soon as we decide which part it is, some type of charge will be filed.” However, it is so incredibly dumb.


Larry Walters has 42 helium balloons and a lawn chair that cost him 110$ at Sears(which by the way is an unreasonable price for a lawn chair, that’s $344.88 dollars in today’s money).


Larry Walters has a container of helium and rope that has tied all 42 helium balloons to his lawn chair.


Larry Walters has a BB gun.


Larry Walters plan is to fly above California and slowly shoot the balloons above him to engage in a controlled descent.


It’s at this moment I would like to pause and ask the reader to treat Larry Walters as a Greek myth or a martyr for the cause of humanity. Many have tried to copy what Larry Walters is about to do and not many have succeeded.


Larry is accompanied by his girlfriend Carol Van Deusen and his friend Ron. He has somehow convinced Carol that this is a good idea but his friend Ron has the more appropriate reaction. At the last second Ron tries to convince both Larry and Carol that they should stop. Unfortunately, as Ron convinces Carol, the ballasts securing Larry break and he heads for the skies of California.


Larry will reach a height of 16,000 feet above sea level. At the same time 2 different passenger airlines will report an unauthorized aircraft. Larry is using the CB radio that he also had to communicate with amateur HAM radio groups and his girlfriend. He will only message to say that he is doing OK and that he misses Carol.


After 45 minutes of taking in the view that Larry will later say was the greatest he had ever seen. Larry uses the BB gun he has stowed on his chair to carefully shoot 7 balloons in order to descend before dropping the BB gun he has taken with him. Larry Walters hits a power line on his way down and causes a black out. When he is finally cut free by EMS he gives the chair he flew to a neighborhood kid and never sees it again.


I believe Larry Walters is one of the most interesting men to ever live, not because he accomplished the most or changed the world. Rather I believe Larry Walters taught us all to dream a little bigger that fateful day above California. Larry Walters brought some joy to the world that had never been there before and I think he deserves to be remembered for that.

Posted September 7, 2023 by nvb5574 in category PBL Blog

2 thoughts on “PBL Blog 1

  1. Mikayla Bowen

    Noah this is great! I found your blog to be so fun and interesting. Your way of storytelling truly does a great job inviting your reader into your story. With your tone of writing, I feel as if your verbs are able to be more elaborate. Such as when you say “Larry Walters plan is to fly above California,” if you changed fly to soar being “Larry Walters plan is to soar above California” I feel that it creates a more elaborate story feel. Otherwise, an amazing blog!

  2. Alexa Barber

    I really liked this! The story was very intriguing, and I agree that his actions motivate others to dream a little bigger. I think a word with flair you could include in this blog is “embodied”. When you’re talking about Larry, I think you could say that he embodies the spirit of dreaming bigger and going beyond.


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