September 28

RCL Blog


Speech Outline

  1.  Introduction (00:45)
    1. You got some spare change?
    2. Context (exigence and audience and constraints of artifact)
      1. The modern governmental policy is what triggered this rise in homelessness and this is the situation this poster seeks to address by advertising to individual members of primarily cites who are more likely to sympathize with the message. That is why the medium of poster is chosen, so as to more closely target those who interact in public spaces such as streets or public transport instead of those of a higher class who tend to rely on cars to get around( even more so on the west coast where these advertisements are more directly targeted)
    3. Mode of analysis/criticism (from Keywords)
      1. Visual analysis
    4. Thesis (main claim regarding your artifact that body builds upon
      1. The poster evokes feelings of domination and humanity to advocate for a change in governmental policy.
    5. Preview main points
      1. Color theory, and evocative visual language
  2.  Body (2:30)
    1. a. MP #1
      1.  Link mode of analysis to thesis with a minor claim
        1. The poster plays on strong color usage in order to draw a comparison between the governmental policy that prioritizes the military industrial complex over the needs of the government’s own citizens.
      2.  Evidence that supports your claim building on overall thesis
        1. By using brighter colors to the top of the poster, the viewer’s eye is first drawn to the top of the image and then it slowly traces down, this guides the viewers to first experience the vastness of the military industrial complex and then immediately experience the contrast between the tanks and the tents
    2. MP #2
      1. i. Link mode of analysis to thesis with a minor claim
        1. The visual and written language in the piece amplifies this message by reinforcing and interpreting the main story that the poster itself provides
      2.  Evidence that supports your claim building on overall thesis
        1. The bold and simple messages are placed in order to guide the viewer’s experience of the poster efficiently and thoroughly.
        2. People in tents
      3.  Evidence
        1. The poster follows a very effective formula of pointing out there is a problem with the first sentence
        2. “Change the priorities”
        3. Then it efficiently provides a solution the audience of the poster can follow
  3. III. Conclusion (00:45)
    1. a. Restate thesis (main claim)
      1. By reflecting the complex political nature of the housing crisis in the US, the poster makes a cogent argument for a shift in political action
    2. b. Summarize salient points of body (evidence that builds the case for main claim)
      1. Through pairing a brilliant artwork with simple and effective speech, the poster makes an efficient argument.

Posted September 28, 2023 by nvb5574 in category RCL Blog

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