December 8

RCL Blog

I am very interested in some topics about neurodivergence for my paper. I think writing about how the history of a specific diagnosis has changed over time would be really informative and create a really compelling case. Specifically autism, I think the fact that it still isn’t fully understood as a disorder can create some really interesting lines of argument in a paper detailing how the diagnosis came to be and the history of the people who first created the diagnosis to where it is now.  I also think that writing a section on the history of medication as it relates to ADHD could be interesting as well, I could talk about how the rise in amphetamines coincided with the scientific understanding that they were helpful for those with ADHD. I think this could bring in some questions of what medications actually seek to do and what these medications tell us about medical testing procedures in the past could be interesting. Lastly, I think it could be fun to talk about the history of the idea of how important it is to go to college and education in general could be interesting. It would be really intriguing to explore how the USA went from a nation that was primarily a blue collar workforce to where we are today where industrial jobs make up less and less of a total of our economic influence and what the rising education levels of the middle and lower classes contribute to that. The big impact of each of these stories I think would be how the evolving idea impacted those around the idea and I think each story could be told really well by emphasizing the history of the persons who created and shaped each idea. Overall though, I think I am most interested in writing about the evolution of the history of autism.

Posted December 8, 2023 by nvb5574 in category RCL Blog

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