It has been quite a long few weeks since we all left state and have been without our college friends. I made this blog to try new things from my bucket list with some best friends from state, and I can’t wait to go back to continue making more memories and crossing things off my bucket list with them! Since I am not with the friends I intended to do the activities with, I had to think about what I should cross off my own personal bucket list, so that is what this is about!
One thing I wanted to do with family and friends is go sledding this winter. I lived in Florida most my life prior to August of 2020, and almost ever winter my family and I would go up north to enjoy the cold, or the snow for a bit, whether it was to go ski, go hiking, or just to go into New York City. This winter living in the north east we received a lot of snow. My step dad told me how last winter there was not nearly as much snow fall as now. We had a snow storm and it was the first one I was in lol! Last week my mom and I went sledding together for the first time since I was 6 years old I think. Then this week my mom, my step sister, her friend, and I went sledding again twice and had so much fun. It is such a simple and kiddish thing to engage in, but it is like a mood lifter almost. There was about 20 inches of snow so every time we took a step this week after the snow storm it was basically an exercise, but it was totally worth it.
My boyfriend flies to me on Monday, and it is expecting to snow 4/5 days he is here, so he keeps telling me how excited how he is to go sledding with me and my family. I had a lot of fun crossing this off my bucket list, but I definitely want to go sledding with some close friends at State for some fun if we get enough snow to!
While sledding I thought of how freeing I felt from just speeding or tumbling down the hills, it was like anything else where I get a rush from going fast or something. At moments I would get so tired from all the walking through the thick snow that I would just spin and tumble into the snow onto my back. I just laid there in the snow looking up at the sky and the scenery around me with the trees filled with snow, the cold air on my face, and the comfort of the snow almost tucking me in in a way. It was so relaxing to just lay in the snow; 10/10 highly recommend haha!
If you are in a cold and snow surrounded environment right now, stop reading this post, get up, get dressed, and go sledding for absolutely no reason! 🙂
I love sledding in the snow! If you ever get the chance to go snowmobiling I also recommend