This week I thought I would write my blog about the activity I am partaking in as I do it. I decided last semester how one of the things on my bucket list would be to write a letter to my senior self to open once I graduate from Penn State. I am now going to write the letter to myself and write about my thoughts and some things I include in it.
My plan is to write about where I am in life right now, how I am doing health wise, how my mental health is at the moment, how I am doing in school, about my current friends and relationships, and how my family life is going. I also plan to include what my current goals are and what I plan for my future to be like. I am also going to write down what I hope to have accomplished by the time I graduate in 2024 and what my my plans are for once I graduate.
I have now started to write and so far I have written about where I am currently in life such as location, school, mentally, and the things that are taking the biggest toll on my life currently. I also wrote about my goals in how to better myself, and how I am focusing on myself and trying to do better than I have been since I lost myself so much within the last year due to personal reasons. I wrote what steps I am taking currently to do so, and how I hope to be when I graduate. I also wrote about how I am doing in school. I am now about to write about my goals for my future pertaining family, friends, schooling, where I plan to live, etc.
I just finished writing about my goals for my future. I wrote about my top three schools for where I will be applying for law school after Penn State, and how I intend to be a family and civil attorney. I wrote about my current friendships and how I plan to continue it with them. I also wrote about my boyfriend and how I hope we stay together and included the plans we have together in the letter. I also wrote a little self love and self appreciation note to myself that I think will be nice to read in a few years.
I am truly curious to see how much will change over the next three years, but I hope I reach my goals and succeed in life. I am so excited to see where life will take me and I think it will be so much fun to see how much, if any, my goals, plans, dreams, relationships, and self will change over the next few years. I hope I get where I would like to, but we will just have to see where life takes me. I cannot wait to open this after I graduate. I highly recommend doing this for fun. It helped me gather my thoughts and realize what I need to fix, and it helped me reevaluate my goals and what I need to do to get there. If you’re reading this, honestly, get a piece, or few pieces, of paper, and start writing down your goals, plans, current life, and more. Then seal it away and open it after you graduate! I had a lot of fun with it and now I am excited looking into the future!
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