1. V Meunier and P Lambin.
    Tight-Binding Computation of the STM Image of Carbon Nanotubes.
    Physical Review Letters, vol. 81, pp. 5588–5591, 1998.
  2. V Meunier, P Lambin, and AA Lucas.
    Atomic and Electronic Structures of Large and Small Carbon Tori.
    Physical Review B, vol. 57, pp. 14886–14890, 1998.
  3. V Meunier, L Henrard, and P Lambin.
    Energetics of Bent Carbon Nanotubes.
    Physical Review B, vol. 57, pp. 2586–2591, 1998.
  4. P Lambin, V Meunier, and LP Biro.
    Elastic Deformation of a Carbon Nanotube Adsorbed on a Stepped Surface.
    Carbon, vol. 36, pp. 701–704, 1998.