Amending Strategies for Protecting Abortion Access

Amending Strategies for Protecting Abortion Access

this is incredibly rough i’m sorry. i’m probably going to use a different topic

In 1973, the Supreme Court ruled in its famous case, Roe v. Wade, in favor of protecting the right to access abortion. The ruling generally decriminalized abortion across all 50 states, allowing women to terminate a pregnancy until the fetus was viable. This typically meant that abortion was legal until at least the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy. However, this case remained controversial until it was overturned in 2022, meaning that abortion was no longer protected at a federal level. States now have the power to regulate abortion as they see fit, leading to large discrepancies between states.

Since Roe v. Wade was overturned, states such as Texas and Alabama have created laws so restrictive that they have led to the deaths of women who were not able to get abortions even in life-threatening circumstances. If left to their own devices, state governments will continue to limit abortion access and threaten the well-being of their residents.

One thought on “Amending Strategies for Protecting Abortion Access

  1. 1). I like the title. My only suggestion is that it could be more specific, but it does pave the way for the topic and what direction it will take. It hints well at the thesis but depends on how you specify and where you take the topic.

    2). This introduction responds very well to the exigence, it is very obvious and easy to follow. By including the dates, you show how pressing and recent this topic is and connects to real life very well. The exigence was explained well, but could possibly be condensed to become more concise.

    3). There is a thesis, but it doesn’t have a clear directive answer that reveals what stance the paper will take. I can see the claim very well but not the exact direction you plan to take because it is a draft. I really like the idea and think you can craft a powerful argument.

    4). From your thesis and intro, I think you may use the Problem/Cause/Solution organization as there is a clear problem, the reversal of Roe v Wade denying women access to life-saving health care. The solution would be your thesis and what policy you would want to implement. I think the policy instrument you would use is system changes, as this problem takes place on a legal level across the nation and deals with direct laws.

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