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Queueing Analysis of an Airport Terminal

Summary and Learning Objectives 

The construction of a new airport terminal in a small town was recently completed and the airport management is interested in analyzing the queueing dynamics at the terminal.  You are hired to perform this analysis. 

After successful completion of this Immersive Simulation-Based Learning (I-SBL) module, the student will be able to: 

  1. Calculate the arrival rate for each server in a queueing network. 
  2. Compute different queueing performance measures at steady-state by using appropriate formulae for M/M/1 and M/M/c systems. 
  3. Collect data from queueing systems and use real-world data to calculate different performance measures. 
  4. Verify queueing results by comparing them with actual performance data collected from the real system. 
  5. Explain potential reasons for the difference between queueing results and real-world observations. 


Queueing theory, queueing networks, steady-state performance, M/M/1 and M/M/c queues, airport terminal 


Industrial Engineering; Operations Research; Systems Engineering; Engineering Management 

Potential related courses/topics 

Stochastic OR; Queueing Theory; Simulation 

Recommended educational level and audience 

Undergraduate; Introductory, nonmajors or majors 


Familiarity with steady-state analysis, queueing formulae, Jackson networks, and basic statistics. 

Necessary student resources 

Textbook/handout: Queueing formulae for M/M/1 and M/M/c systems. 

Software/hardware: A computer with Simio installed on it. 

Immersion level 

The module supports both “low-immersion” (3D view on a typical display) and “high-immersion” (virtual reality using an Oculus Rift VR headset). 

Can it be used as a traditional PBL module without the immersive simulation model? 

Yes.  Most of the questions can be answered without having access to the immersive simulation model.  The simulation is intended to serve as the “context” and help them visualize the system. 

Recommended time frame and activity format 

Total time: 135 minutes (Part 1: 50 minutes; Part 2: 60 minutes; Part 3: 15 minutes; Part 4: 10 minutes) 

Can be done as a homework assignment.  Alternatively, parts 1 and 2 can be partially done as an in-class activity and later completed as a homework assignment. 

Can be done in groups or individually. 

Download module material (problem description and immersive simulation model) 

Problem description
Simulation model (Simio file) – Desktop Version – Low Immersion
Simulation model (Simio file) – Virtual Reality Version – High Immersion

Instructors: Click here to request access to instructor copy. 

Published inEngineering ManagementIndustrial EngineeringOperations ResearchSystems EngineeringVR Based

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