“Hey Siri, Call Mum.” This is the most commonly used Siri command amongst iPhone users all over the globe. The iPhone is upgraded every single year since it was first integrated into the Apple software in October of 2011. Even individuals that are not Apple users are familiar with Siri, and probably use the voice commanded virtual assistant that is apart of their phone’s operating system. Siri is a spin-off from a project originally developed by SRI International Artificial Intelligence Center, it uses advanced machine learning technologies to function and is a major component of all Apple products. Siri embodies the idea of working smart, not hard. Her civic importance is centered around her usefulness to humans while making processes that would have previously required more effort simpler. She is essentially a personal assistant in your pocket. By focusing on Apple’s appeal to Kairos by always being able to update their phones with tools that the average user did not even know they needed, and Siri’s presence that essentially brings life to such a ‘lifeless’ device one cannot imagine where we would be as a society without her. This is a prime example of Artificial Intelligence integrating into our world, similar to the AI News Anchor, Siri significantly impacts our traditional ways.
This is going to be a really cool essay! I really like that you chose something that so many people use on the daily, but never truly stop to think about (I do this too!). I really liked your opening sentence too, I was definitely drawn in and wanted to read more.
I’m excited to see where you will go with this!