What will you bring in 2020

Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we have spent the majority of our time here discussing the philosophy of being an independent and what it means in our society. This is very important, as it leads us to our topic for today. With all the information gained from the launching of the Independent Minds, how will you take that and use it in 2020? I ask this for two main reasons. One of them being that the year 2019 is coming to a close, the commencement of the annual new year resolutions will begin soon, and hopefully will actually be followed through. The second reason and the more important one is that in the year 2020, American citizens will vote for their next president. Now, I do not want to give my same old spiel about the importance of voting (Check out ‘Voting and its importance’ for that), but we are a very important demographic (as Millenials, Independents, Minorities, etc.) that if we want change to come, we can definitely be a driving force.

So what do you need to do to be well prepared for the next series of events in the future of American politics? First, you must decide where you stand. I know I have spent a lot of effort in trying to convince my viewers as to why being an independent is the ‘right way’ to go. However, this is not entirely true because everyone, if they can reasonably defend their opinion, is entitled to one. At the same time, I do not believe that everyone can or should be independent because if that were to happen, the term would cease to exist (and it will take away from its uniqueness). Once you can figure out where you lie on the political spectrum, then and only then can you proceed to the next step.

Next, you need to get involved. Register, Volunteer, Discuss and Attend. These four keywords will guide you in your political involvement process. Believe me, I know that what I am asking for is easier said than done, but there must come a time in one’s life that they do not act purely on what they feel. In order to get the government you want, you must work for it. In doing anything from attending or organizing rallies and events to mobilizing more people to support your cause, you can personally make a change. CNN has an article, by AJ Willingham, that gives twenty-five ways for an individual, regardless of their political leaning, to be more politically active. Again, once this has been reached, you can move on to the final step.

Lastly, you MUST vote. I know I expressed that I did not want to give the spiel, but I think I have to. If you are of voting age, 18 years, there is absolutely no reason to prevent you from voting – if you have every means to. I know that there are situations where one is unable to vote, and I am not disputing them. However, if your reason for not voting is because you do not want to get off your comfy couch, then I call BS. This next election, or any, will dictate your future. If you do not put in the effort to try and make a change, then you can not complain if things do not go as you please – and this is simply some tough love.

With these three simple steps, I have perfectly described what you can bring to the table in the year 2020. This next year can your year, and I believe that if you follow through with the little I have asked, then you can make it my year too.

Until next time my fellow Independent Minds,



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