I’m not very good at predicting the future, but around this time next week I’m confident I’ll be riding around in a Prius with all my home friends going absolutely nowhere in particular. Well, maybe we’ll hit up the McDonalds drive thru and get McFlurries.
Ah, yes, we love bored-driving.
Does this sound like you? Well, if you’re unfamiliar with bored-driving, let me explain. It’s what you do with your friends at home when you’ve been back for winter break for approximately two days and have already run out of things to do. This can be the perfect time to let certain members of the car monologue about their roommate issues, recently ex-boyfriends, or even craft an escapist fantasy where you all drop out of college and form a band together. When you run out of things to say for the moment, this playlist comes in handy. No better time to comment on the music that’s playing and impress your friends.
Since its the holiday season, I recommend choosing the neighborhoods with the best Christmas lights and going from there. Once you hit the fancy neighborhoods you can start planning for when you’re all 50 and decide to abandon your husbands and live in a giant mansion together. The rest is up to you. Grab your friends/sisters/pets, hit the road and don’t forget to put on this playlist.
~Warning: This playlists contains some non-indie tunes (Beyonce) and even a few by men (Frank Ocean)…listen at your own risk.~