Season 2, Jam Session 1: Constructing the Ocean (June 16, 2022, 10.30 AM PST)

This webinar is a presentation of a collaborative research project that has recently received funding from Independent Research Fund Denmark. Focusing on community-led infrastructure projects, the project investigates how transregional relations play out in the everyday lives and social imaginaries of Dawoodi Bohras residing in the port cities of Mumbai, Dar es Salaam and Dubai. […]

Jam Session 4: Indian Ocean Ecologies of Relation (August 4, 2021, 9.00 AM PST)

Following on from and riffing off the previous ‘jam’, this session will continue to explore various ecological understandings of Indian Ocean spaces. Working with the previous session’s shift in focus to oceanic materialities, we will explore how these turns towards the ontologies of the Indian Ocean are registered and represented in various forms of cultural […]

Jam Session 1: Ambient Space (April 10, 2021, 10 AM PST)

This session is an intervention in theorizing the spatiality of Indian Ocean worlds.  While the field of Indian Ocean studies has grown since the 1980s to provide critical optics for evaluating transnational networks, littoral societies, diasporas and migrations, trade and commodities, Eurocentric paradigms, or cosmopolitanisms, it is comparatively undertheorized—compared to studies of the Atlantic (for […]

Jam Session 2: Creoles, creolization, and paradox in the Indian Ocean Worlds (May 13, 2021, 9.30 AM PST)

The 1989 publication of Éloge de la créolité [In Praise of Creoleness] marked the heyday of the transnational Créolité movement, geared toward the promotion of a Creole consciousness across the Antilles in particular, and across the islands of the Caribbean and the Indian Ocean in general. The manifesto engaged with the cultural and linguistic syncretisms […]

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