

About 80% of Puerto Ricans are Catholic. However, Puerto Rican Catholic is very different than American catholic. They tend to celebrate different holidays and have different symbolic items. Some examples of holidays they celebrate are Three Kings Day, on January 6, and the Fiesta de San Juan, on June 24. On both of these days, there are large festivals, fairs, and fireworks. Not all Puerto Ricans are Roman Catholic though, the other 20% is mostly protestant, baptist, and Methodist. A large number also combines old folk religions and Christianity together (Gall, 2009).

These religious values are interwoven in their worldview and daily life. Catholics tend to value family and hospitality. Puerto Ricans are known for being very welcoming to their, already big, families. However, they do stray away from being typical Catholics. Puerto Ricans typically do not conform to gender roles or family structure. In Christianity, having children out of wedlock is frowned upon, but they are one of the highest races with single mother households (Gall, 2009).

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