Pavlov’s experiments related to my life

Pavlov’s experiments related to Conditioning stimuli to expect an outcome based on something else. For example, whenever a dog is fed, the owner would feed the dog. Thus resulting in every time the dog hears that same pitched bell, he expects food and then his mouth salivates. Another example of this is when Jim conditions Dwight to expect an Altoid every time Jim’s computer boots up by offering him an Altoid every time he turns on his computer. This causes Dwight to reach out his hand expecting an Altoid when the computer was turned on but Jim did not offer one to him.

I feel like this happens a lot in a person’s everyday life. For example, every time I ate dinner last semester, I would have a glass of iced tea after. One time I was out of tea and my body was very confused as to why a certain trained result was not happening. Another personal example is whenever I am home, my dog knows exactly what time she is supposed to eat, and then gets excited and starts jumping up and down when that time arrives. She obviously is expecting food at this time and has visible tells that show this.

These two experiences are related because both of the experiences share a pattern of actions that then have another action that follows it. Because of this, they are examples that help prove Pavlov’s experiments were real and factual. It is possible to classically condition someone to expect a result from a non related stimuli. Based on these test, I am interested to try and condition someone to expect something based on a completely non related not without them knowing. I think that it would be very fascinating to see if it worked and could lead to an interesting conversation about the process taken and if the subject noticed the conditioned response happening

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