Ever since senior year in high school while taking AP courses, and even more so as a freshman in college, I believe that I need to study in small amounts throughout the week to manage and prosper in my classes. Although I know I need to study to succeed and that I only need to in short periods, I continue to struggle every single time. I’ve learned that for me to successfully study the room has to be completely silent, my phone must be turned off, the TV must be off, and for the best results, I should be alone. I find it very hard to focus on just one thing at a time and any little distraction such as music lyrics, my roommate talking, the TV being on, or my phone getting notifications will completely shift my brain to begin thinking about something else causing me to procrastinate studying.
It wasn’t until earlier this week in Tuesday’s lecture where I figured out why this happens in the human brain. The process called selective attention is the ability of the human mind to only pay attention to and focus on one or a few sensory inputs, things such as sound and language or a particular object or idea. I learned that the ways I was making my study sessions more efficient with the techniques listed above it made sense with an understanding of selective attention. Basically, with less sensory inputs going on around someone such as song lyrics, another person’s conversation, a video playing, or a phone dinging for me, the better they can focus and direct their attention to one thing.
In contrary, the brain possesses the ability to tune out individual senses which is explained in the cocktail party effect. This effect can be exemplified in the simple scenario of talking with someone at a party. To detail, in noisy settings like parties, the brain can focus on one conversation with an individual while many discussions are going on around a person. While this ability to pinpoint attention to one thing in the brain works most of the time, it can easily be compromised with certain distractions that your brain might prioritize as “higher priority.”
This concept is expressed in Treisman’s Attenuation Theory. The theory infers that when a human brain detects a sense, it then registers the priority of the sense before going through perceptual processes to understand the meaning and think about the sense. To explain, while the brain can effectively tune out sensory inputs like other people talking at a party, the undivided attention to their own conversation can be undermined by someone else in the room saying your name. Although the brain is neglecting auditory senses of other discussions, they are still processed through something Treisman described as an attenuator. This so-called attenuator decides the priority of a sense before it is even thought of. Which explains why if someone hears their name spoken elsewhere while talking to someone their attention will be refocused on where the sound came from to perceive who said your name, ultimately because your name being mentioned is of high priority in your brain.
All in all the attenuator process in the Treisman theory can be helpful to humans in situations at parties where another person’s conversation is not of priority, so it is easy to tune out that specific auditory sense of a different person talking and focus on your own communication of higher priority. At the same time, the attenuator process can easily plague a student studying like how it affected me. In my case when the music would be played or football put on the TV as I studied, my attention would be drawn to the lyrics of the artist playing or the game on the TV much more than my goal of studying. As explained earlier, this can be contributed to my brain prioritizing listening to my favorite music and watching football over reviewing notes because I am more interested in those activities; therefore, my attention is directed towards those higher priority sensory inputs.
Mcleod, Saul. “Theories of Selective Attention.” Theories of Selective Attention | Simply Psychology, www.simplypsychology.org/attention-models.html.
“The Cocktail Party Effect.” PsyBlog, 4 Sept. 2018, www.spring.org.uk/2009/03/the-cocktail-party-effect.php.
“Theories of Selective Attention.” Khan Academy, Khan Academy, www.khanacademy.org/science/health-and-medicine/executive-systems-of-the-brain/attention-language-lesson/v/selective-attention.
Wu, Victoria. “Selective Attention.” Introductory Psychology Blog S14C, sites.psu.edu/intropsychsp14n3/2014/03/06/selective-attention/.