Please Take Me Off the Road

My eyes have never been the greatest. As I have looked at my phone and computer more my vision has gotten worse and worse to the point where my glasses are crucial for me to even scroll through Instagram. These past weeks we have learned about eyes, and how they form the perceptions of the world around you. Over my senior year I would work from 9 am to 11 pm and as most of the world does, I would drive myself home when I was done. Honestly I shouldn’t be allowed to drive in general. I am a menace on the road. So imagine me at night, after working 14 hours, and absolutely drained. Not great.

In class we learned about the brain’s processing of space and time. From this there are various things that can impair one’s vision, besides me already being blind, there was a turn into my neighborhood that was a disaster. I would always misjudge my distance and either wait way longer than I really needed to or almost cause an accident. Until this class I thought it was simply me being a bad driver. Then we discussed the different types of monocular perception. Monocular perception describes how the brain perceives things when only one eye is used.

Monocular perception is what caused the cars to seem closer or further away from me. The headlights at night created an interposition which blocked me from being able to perceive how far the car was away from me. By focusing on the lights to determine the distance I was seeing only their brightness, not their actual distance. I walk everywhere now, which i’m equally as dangerous at however now for the future I can try to focus on whats behind the lights for my gauge of distance, instead of the light.

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