Positive & Negative Reinforcements

Positive and negative reinforcers  affect our everyday lives, and have probably been used on everyone single of us without even realizing it. As we discussed in class, positive reinforcement is presenting a positive stimuli to encourage a desired behavior, which increases the likelihood of the behavior occurring again. Negative reinforcement is increasing a desired behavior my removing a stimuli. It took a little while for me to comprehend that negative reinforcement is not the same punishment. With negative reinforcement the behavior is still increasing by removing a stimuli, but with punishment there is no increase in a particular behavior. While we discussed positive and negative reinforcement, it made me think of a particular example from my childhood. When I was about four or five years old, I played soccer. I really did not like it and would cry before each game. My parents wanted me to explore different activities that I might be interested in and thought that it would grow on me eventually, so they kept me on the team. Before every game, my mom found that if she promised me a new Webkinz stuffed animal, I would play in a soccer game without throwing a fit. So, every time I did well in a game and played without getting upset, she would take me to the toy store and I would leave with a new Webkinz. This is an example of positive reinforcement, by increasing a positive stimuli (a Webkinz stuffed animal), she was able to increase her desired behavior, which was me to be motivated and enjoy playing soccer. I also thought of another example when we were going into depth about negative reinforcement in class. When I was younger and sitting in the back seat of the car behind my mom and dad, I remember hearing the constant dinging from the car because my dad did not put his seatbelt on. He would say to my mom “it’s only a few minutes, relax”, but she was extremely annoyed by the sound and would complain until he fastened his seatbelt.  Not only did the annoying dinging of the car force my dad to put on his seatbelt, but my mom’s constant complaining also made him do so. By fastening his seatbelt, the noise stopped, and my mom stopped complaining to him. Before we discussed this in class, I didn’t even realize all of the reinforcements that occur around me each day.

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