We live, learn, and we forget. Memories are an essential part of how we experience the world around us. When we forget, it is commonly defined as retrieval failure. This is our inability to retrieve information from our long term memory and bring it back into our working memory. Our working memory is when we are able to use our memories whether they are explicit or implicit memories. However, when we forget those memories it is typically some type of interference. Interference can either be proactive or retroactive.
A retroactive interference is where past information interferes with current information. I have recently experienced a retroactive interference. I was talking to my friends and telling them about my recent breakup. I referred to my ex-boyfriend as my boyfriend. At first, I thought it was just an accident until it happened again. At this point, I had convinced myself that I was just in the habit of calling him my boyfriend, until we learned about retroactive and proactive interferences. At which point, I learned that the past knowledge of him being my boyfriend was interfering with my current knowledge that he is no longer my boyfriend. Retroactive interference can typically be avoided through better sleep patterns because sleep leads to better recall and retrieval from the long-term memory.
Proactive interference is where new information interferes with past information. One example of a proactive interference was when I got a new phone number and I tried to remember the new number to tell my mom, but I accidentally told her my old phone number. The old number was actively interfering with my ability to learn my new phone number. Overall, there are many ways that information can interfere with new or current memories.
The retrieval process is key to completing the cycle of the memory process, which is why many people are frustrated by their occasional inability to retrieve past or current memories. I have personally experienced interference through both respects. I used to get easily frustrated by my inability to recall important things like my phone number, but now with my new knowledge of interference in memory retrieval I will be able to calm myself down and remember that interference is normal.