Lecture 18 teaches us that a phobia is a persistent and irrational fear towards an object or situation that disrupts behavior. We learn that some people have social phobias and many random things. Many of you may know that triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number 13, but do you know what emetophobia is? It is the fear of vomiting. Now you’re probably thinking no one likes vomiting, but it is much more than a dislike towards it.
I suffer from emetophobia and it is very debilitating. It started in 3rd grade. I woke up on the morning of the last day of the PSSAs, a standardized test for PA elementary and middle school students for the non PA people. I felt horrible, but the test is super mandatory so I went to school. Breakfast was served to keep our minds sharp for the test. I had Cinnamon Toast Crunch. As I finished the math section of the test, I suddenly felt worse. I couldn’t breathe and I kept burping. Then it happened. I threw up on my desk.
Since then, I am horrified of the idea of vomiting. This includes coughing too hard, getting the stomach bug, food poisoning, motion sickness and anything else. I sometimes will stay with a relative if someone in my house is remotely ill or mentions being sick in any way. I won’t hang out with friends for a week after they have been sick. I compulsively check expiration dates on anything with dairy to avoid food poisoning. I make my mom check my chicken twice to make sure it is fully cooked whether its at home or out to eat. At one point, I stopped eating all meat because I was so worried about salmonella. I still won’t eat salad since the lettuce incident with E. coli.
For years I had a taste aversion to Cinnamon Toast Crunch because it was the last thing I ate before I threw up. I know it was not food poisoning from the milk or the cereal but the thought still crosses my mind.
This phobia has very much affected my normal behavior and caused me to be a bit weird around, well, everyone. It caused me to be diagnosed with anxiety, but I have gotten a hold on it. Emetophobia still affects my life. I may not enjoy the compulsiveness, but I have not thrown up in 10 years so I think that is a bonus.