The topic I decided to choose for this assignment is the topic of the chameleon effect. The chameleon effect can be described as when a group of people who are together for an extended period of time start mocking one another’s expressions, postures and voice tones. The reasoning behind these actions within a group are for the reasons of empathy and for the group to feel more attached to one another. This can be related to the example that Professor Wede used in class about how if you start using the phrase, “Chow”, instead of hello, you will start to realize more people around will use that phrase more often.
The personal experience I have had with the chameleon effect was directly related to me once I joined a fraternity and Penn State. Before joining the fraternity, I was used to using Jersey language, where I am from, and never noticed any other slang from different areas or people. After join the fraternity, I was surround by over 130 plus brothers that would use the same slang and body language. I quickly became accustomed this new slang and body language without even noticing. It began to hit me that these two attributes of me changed when I went back to my family at home where they immediately noticed a difference.
My personal experience with the chameleon affect can be directed related with what we learned in class in many different ways. First off, the reasoning for my change in new slang and body language was because without knowing, I wanted to fit more into the group and become more empathetic towards everyone. Secondly, what was taught in class how groups of the same kind start to act like each other made more sense after realizing that everyone around me around me was picking up the same lingo just for the reason to become closer.