Schizophrenia is a mentall illness that affects about one in 100 people worldwide. It is often found in people during late adolescent and early adulthood (right round college age). Symptoms can be delusions (fragmented, bizzare thinking that can cause distorted beliefs), disorganized thoughts, possibly selective attention failure, possible perception of things that are not there (hallucinations). Most commonly the hallucinations are auditory rather than visual, olfactory, gustatory, and somatosensory. Schizophrenic people can have inapproproate emotions and actions. For example, they may laugh at the news of the death of a loved one or they may show no or extremely little or no emotion. Within the many many symptoms of schezophrenia they are catogorized into positive and negative symptoms. Some postive symtpoms are the presence of inapropriate behaviors, disorganized thinking, delusions, hallucenations, and inapropriate emotions. Some negative symptoms are the absence of appropriate behavior and emotions and a rigid or expressionless face and body. The actual brain abnormaliy is that there is an overacity of dopamine. The specific medicine that is used to help with scheziphrenia tries to reduce dopamine levels in the patient. Scizophrenia is extremely genetically tied. It is most common that someone who has Schizophrenia’s relative also has the disease. Different external stressors can trigger an indivual who was already predisposed to the disease.
My uncle has schizophrenia and was diagnosed when he was a late teenager. His family later learned that his mother’s uncle had schizophrenia and that it was genetically passed down to him. Throughout his childhood, it did not seem he had a problem. It was nto until he started heavily using hallucinegenic drugs that the symptoms began to arise. In the case of my uncle, drugs like LSD were the triggers that made his predispostion present. My Uncle’s symptoms were voiced he heard in his head that were very mean and negative toward him. As a person he did nto like to talk much but when he did it was something extremely sweet and caring.