Lobes of the brain

In class, we learned that the brain is made up of different lobes that have different functions that you require to be independent. Two of those lobes are the frontal lobe which is found in the front of the brain and controls important cognitive skills like emotional expression, problem solving, and many more. One of the other lobes is the temporal lobe which is found below the temples of the skull. This lobes job is to understanding speech. When damage happens to the brain it can impair these different lobes. My experience with this topic is that in high school I was a wrestler and I was very prone to getting concussions or hitting my head hard on the mat. During my time of wrestling, I had acquired a few concussions that have impaired some of the lobes that make up my brain like the frontal and temporal lobe. The concussion caused my brain to hit my skull with different parts of the brain moving at different speeds, this results in tearing nerve tissues and bruising of the brain.  This affected my brain because during the time of the concussion, I had troubles processing math problems, watching tv, or listening to music. This happened because my frontal lobe hit against my skull and bruised. During this time when I was in school, remembering what people were saying or comprehending what I was doing was more difficult than usual. That is because the temporal lobe had also hit my skull at one point during the time my head had hit the mat. My experience is related to the information we learned in class because when I learned this information in class it made me understand why certain activities were harder than others when I had a concussion back in high school.

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