Can you see it?

Vision is a phenomenon between cones and rods reacting to the perception of light and the brain reading the signals from the eyes and creating a picture for us to see. I was in fifth grade when I fist noticed my vision getting fuzzy. It was minor so I didn’t mention it to my mom, but it was just noticeable enough to start to have difficulty reading the board in class. But soon it got bad enough that I couldn’t make out the board and my grades were dropping. Eventually I told my mom and we got my eyes checked out. It turns out I was near sighted. I was given glasses. My vision progressively got worse over time too. Now a days if an object is more than 5 feet away from me it is blurry almost to the point of no recognition. I have friends that are able to drive and function without their prescribed glasses or contacts. I also have friends that have perfect vision and will take my glasses and make fun of how bad my eyesight is. Poor eyesight hinders my every day life. Every morning I have to wake up unable to clearly see the world and choose whether to put on glasses, that get greasy and and dirty throughout the day, or to touch my eyeball just to put a weird flexible piece of plastic against it so I can see. These products are also expensive. Glasses can be up to a couple hundred dollars and contacts cost a few hundred dollars a year, and insurance only covers so much of it. All in all there is a big hindrance from society just because a persons eyes and brain were not wired correctly and some of us aren’t able to see without assistance from glasses or contacts.

3 thoughts on “Can you see it?”

  1. I have also experienced the same thing as you have. My whole family has bad eyesight and I had perfect vision till I was in 7th grade, but then I couldn’t see things clearly. I couldn’t see what the teacher was writing on the board, so one of my friends would write the notes first and I would copy them once she was done. Then I told my mom since I couldn’t keep waiting for notes, especially if my friend didn’t show up to class. Then I got glasses and those helped, but I have to get a new pair or new lenses every year because my eyes keep getting progressively worse. I’m not legally allowed to drive without them, and I have to wear them to movies, or even just to watch TV in my own house or else all the characters/people are blurry. Poor eyesight does hinder my life, and if I forget my glasses for a lecture, I probably won’t be getting many notes done that class. Not being able to see clearly all the time has taken a toll on my everyday perceptions of my surroundings, but all I have to do is wear my glasses and I can see like everyone else. Plus, you can get unique frames that make you stand out as compared to people that have 20/20 and will never need to wear a cool pair of glasses to help them see.

  2. I had the same experience around 5th grade as well, I started to notice my eyesight get blurry but the only thing is doctors thought it wasn’t bad enough to prescribe me with glasses. I’ve always wanted glasses and I was jealous because my brother was prescribed glasses that he never took an interest in meanwhile I really wanted them and he refused to wear them. Fast forward a few years I got a concussion and now I wear reading glasses so I kind of got what I wanted but my last visit to the eye doctors they told me I’d need glasses very soon. Thanks for the interesting post!

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