Blog Post 2 : Source Amnesia

While learning about memory in lecture 11, I was very interested in learning about source amnesia. Memory is such a complex topic because there are so many different components to how we remember things and how our brain works. I found the topic of source amnesia very interesting because I had experienced this myself. Source amnesia is attributing an event to the wrong source. It is mistaking experiences, things we have heard or read, dreamt, or imagined to the wrong source so either it happened or it did not. This topic is related to the misinformation effect which is when a persons memory becomes less accurate because of information gained after the event. Throughout my life I have told stories to my mom and sister that had never happened, and it became a joke that I would make the stories up. However, I was certain that I had experienced it. In actuality I was thinking that my dreams or things I had thought about in my head. When I would tell the stories I was attributing the story to the wrong source. It happens so often that I normally start by telling stories of my memories by saying “I may have made this up” and then continue telling the story. A distinct time that I remember attributing a memory to the wrong source was when I was recalling a time when my family and I were driving to South Carolina from New Jersey. I asked my mom if she remembered this trip, but more specifically if she remembered when it started raining really badly and thundering and lightening. We were driving on the road and lightening struck right next to our car, and I fully recall this happening. However, my mom knows for a fact that this did not happen. The more I thought about this and how I could think that something happened when it simply did not, I thought the only probable explanation was that either I dreamt of a similar situation or thought about how bizarre it would be if lightening struck near our car. I never knew what this was or why I believed that this event happened until we covered the topic of source amnesia in lecture.

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