Anxiety is a feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness. Anxiety can cause different symptoms like a rapid heartbeat, sweating, the feeling of restless, and tense. Anxiety can come from many different things like being nervous or a reaction to stress. There are many different ways to cope with anxiety like learning about it, being mindful, understanding and learning breathing techniques, exercise, medication, and therapy. People all around the United States deal with anxiety on a daily basis. Like I said, anxiety attacks can be caused by so many things: exhaustion, a lot of change, feeling under pressure, long working hours, being out of work, money problems, housing problems, etc. Anxiety stems from a lot of things and it is not anything to be embarrassed about. There is always a way to overcome anxiety which is a personal journey. Also, there is medication that helps overcome anxiety. How this connects to my life is just like how many people have anxiety. I remember being in a play for school and I had been having anxiety leading up to it. I was so nervous to get onto stage and read my lines, worried if I would mess up. My mom gave me advice to just take a deep breath and relax. She kept reassuring me that I know these lines and I will do okay. That memory was from third grade but even still it is a memory I still remember. Now, being in college I still have anxiety before taking exams or just keeping up with school. Even things like meeting new friends and being worried people will not like me and I will not be accepted. However, in the end, it is always okay and I always seem to work it out. Even though the anxiety in the moment is awful and I can not seem to forget about it, I always feel happier once it is over knowing that in the end it all worked out.
Author: kcb5543
Color Blindness
Throughout the world around us, we take color for granted. We are gifted the gift of color through our vision. However, people with color blindness are not able to see the world around us. Color blindness is a condition that affects lots of people around the world. Most people are trichromats which is considered normal. However, people around us can also be dichromats. People with color blindness are now faced with challenges in the world. Simple tasks like putting on an outfit or even just seeing what color you should paint your walls.
Color blindness affects my life as my dad is color blind. He struggles daily doing simple tasks that affect his life. The rest of my family helps him out by helping him pick out his clothes or explaining the color of things around us. My dad owns a construction company and has faced challenges with picking out certain colors for his construction sites. Just recently, he was incharge of picking out colors for the lobby of his new work office. As they started putting the tile and painting the walls, my aunt (who works with him) noticed the colors were not matching and did not make sense. She went to him concerned thinking he was wanting the colors to look like that, but really he just had no idea he did that. My aunt tried to explain what the colors looked like since he could not see the colors fully.
There are many different types of color blindness. The rarest color blindness is called achromatopsia which is a condition where people only see the world in gray. The most common form of color blindness is having the difficulty of distinguishing red and green hues. This condition occurs when there’s an issue with pigments in the cones of the retina which are the cells responsible for detecting color. This affects people’s lives so much. Although color blindness affects lots of people, humans have learned to live life through this condition. Instead of viewing color blindness as a hurdle, we can use it to learn more about humans and to soon grow as a society.