Cognitive Development in children with Turner Syndrome

When looking at the development of infants from an outside perspective most people just assume it’s an easy process to go through. However, as someone who just became an aunt I can say it’s never easy. My niece will most likely go through many difficulties throughout life. She has not only Turner Syndrome, but she has Triple X too. With these two genetic disorders the worry of her having in depth cognitive difficulties is large. In class we covered Prenatal, Infancy, and childhood development. We spent a good portion of our time talking about cognitive development. Cognitive development in  children is believed to go through stages. Development is done through schemas, assimilation, and accommodation.  When speaking about cognitive development we talk about schemas. Schemas are mental concepts that organize information. Assimilation is interpreting new information in terms of our existing schemas. While accommodation is adapting or adjusting our schemas to fit new experiences. When looking at my niece and her own cognitive development issues, learning about schemas has helped me a lot when thinking about her future development. As for accommodation and assimilation I now know that much her her development will depend on the environment she is in. She will develop based on the environment we put her in. After much research and going over schemas in class I have learned that my niece will most likely not suffer much cognitively from her genetic disorders. She will however most likely suffer from other development issues. This is the most relieving feeling knowing that she will be ok, and that we just need to be there for her every step of the way to help her.