Anxiety is a disorder that causes someone to feel uncomfortable, fearful, or even tense. This disorder is common among both genders. There are different types of anxiety including generalized anxiety, phobias, or a panic disorder. Even though someone might not have anxiety, people can still become anxious from certain situations.
Do you deal with anxiety often? Anxiety is the feelings of excessive fearfulness, dread, or uneasiness. When dealing with this disorder people can feel restless, tense, or deal with a rapid heartbeat. although it can be very overwhelming, the fear isn’t temporary. The symptoms can interfere with daily activities, relationships, and even school work . This disorder is among the most common mental illnesses, affecting roughly 40 millions Americans each year. There are multiple types of Anxiety including: generalized anxiety, panic disorder, or phobias
People with anxiety sometimes have trouble explaining what it feels like because sometimes you just don’t know. For example, I wake up some mornings and I can’t really describe how I feel. I lay in bed and my chest may feel really heavy or uncomfortable. Sometimes, I feel very anxious because of stressful situations from past events or just thinking about the future. However, there are many ways to help with these kinds of situations. Doing things that help calm your mind and body, can definitely help with anxiety.
overall, anxiety doesn’t really have a cause but can be suggested based on biological factors. These factors include, genetics, brain biology and chemistry, or even stress. This isn’t something to be afraid of because most people can be very denying. Although this feeling can be very scary and isolating, it can help you show your body what you need.
I enjoyed reading your statement on anxiety. This is something I would say the majority of people suffer from. It is also very common in college. Students are filled with a lot of stress with exams etc.
This is a great post about anxiety. I related to some of these things personally but my girlfriend actually has pretty bad anxiety and this was a good way to think about how it feels to be her. Overall, this was a well written blog post and I found read some informative things and also enjoyed the read.
I think you did a very good job of explaining anxiety and how it affects people’s daily lives. I appreciate you sharing your own experience with anxiety, as I feel it is important for people to know that they are not alone in their struggles. What have you found to be some of the most helpful ways to deal with anxiety? Overall, I thought this was a very well-written post.
I think this post is well done. There is a lot to relate to especially when is college dealing with all of the homework and exams. Overall, I think you explained anxiety well in detail with the symptoms and types of anxiety.
I really enjoyed reading this post. It was very well written and described. A lot of people go through this throughout college with the stress of leaving home, homework, exams, and meeting new people. To sum it up, I think you describe anxiety very well.