Blog Post #2: Katharine Kilby

For the second blog post, I chose to right about phobias. A phobia is a specific fear of a certain object, situation, or activity. Depending on how severe the phobia is, it can lead people to having extreme panic attacks and go to great extents to avoid the thing that they have a phobia of. There are different types of phobias such as social phobia, agoraphobia, claustrophobia, mysophobia, and many more. Phobias can also be irrational for some people. People can have phobias of random foods, plants, etc for the sole reason of it making them be uncomfortable. Having phobias of something common can be difficult to avoid which makes living life a lot more difficult. For example, people with thalassophobia, intense fear of deep water, may cause them to avoid going in the ocean because of their phobia of the deep ocean. Phobias should be taken seriously because it can disrupt peoples day to day life. 

Everyone has different phobias, they may be minor and not realize that it is a phobia they actually have in their conscious awareness, or it could be something extreme leading them to have difficulties with their day to day lives. I personally have a more what people would consider to be an irrational phobia. I have a phobia of ants. I do not remember when it started, but one day I just could not stand ants. For one, when there is one ant, there a quite literally a thousand more following behind them. I also think about them crawling all over me and it grosses me out. When two ants crawl onto to me, I freak out and I need to kill them and get them off of me. It scares me thinking about waking up in the middle of the night with ants crawling all over me. I do what I can to avoid ants on the ground, it is not something that disrupts my day to day life, but it definitely is inconvenient when I am out on hikes. For whatever reason, I do not have a of the deep ocean or a fear of heights, but of all the things in the world, I have a phobia of ants.

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