Depression – Isaiah Harris

Depression is one of the biggest mental illnesses in the world. So many individuals have been affected by depression and it can have a huge impact on an individual’s way of living. I chose depression because I feel it is an important topic to be learned about and something to recognize.

Depression is a common yet serious mood disorder that can cause all different kinds of symptoms. It is the most common mood disorder among all the rest. Depression can elicit symptoms such as tiredness, feelings of worthlessness, and even a loss of appetite. This mood disorder is also often associated with a loss of interest in family, friends, and activities. Depression can lead to being extremely unproductive and unmotivated and it is a very real and very serious illness that can be hard to treat depending on how serious it might be affecting an individual. Although it might not be easy for some to overcome depression there are definitely some good things that you can try.

As for my personal connection to depression, I went through an extreme depressive state when my grandmother passed away. She lived with us and was a huge part of our family. She had always been there for us and tried to be there for anything important we did. She passed away and I couldn’t process it right away and it affected me heavily when it came to my mental state. Eventually I learned to start to talk with family about how I felt and I also tried to fight my depression by being active. I got heavily involved in working out and now it is something I do all the time. There are many ways to combat a disorder like depression and it can be hard to do so sometimes but finding something that works and sticking to it is what helped me and maybe it can help you too.

One thought on “Depression – Isaiah Harris”

  1. Hi Isaiah! I thought this was an excellent post explaining depression. Even though it is an all too common disorder, it is still something very important to pay attention to because of how many people have been affected by it. I like how you explained what can prompt depression and what the side effects of depression are. I also applaud you for being able to share your own experience with depression. I am sorry for your grandmother’s death and that it lead you to a depressive episode, but it is good that you found that exercise can pull you out of your slump. This is good motivation for people that are struggling with depression to know that it is possible for them to find something they love again and if they continuously do it, it can help them feel better and hopefully pull them out of their depressive episode. Excellent blog post!!

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